Local Registration Services Association

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Welcome to LARCSA

At the AGM in 2022 the LRSA changed its name to the Local Authority Registration and Coroner Services Association (LARCSA).

Many LRSA members and Registration Service professionals also have responsibility for delivering the Coroner Service. At the 2021 AGM members voted in favour of broadening the LRSA remit to become a professional member led body that represents both the Registration Service and Local Authority Coroner Services. 

LARCSA is a member led organisation created by and for its membership all of whom are Local Authorities and deliver registration and coroner services 

Its objectives are to assist and support service managers, enabling them to deliver efficient and effective registration services to their local communities.  

LARCSA aims to:

Represent the views and needs of the Registration and Coroners Services at a national level.

Promote Registration and Coroners Services as a profession including providing a platform for advertising recruitment opportunities to those professions.

Provide a network, events and platform for registration and coroners services professionals and also for service managers to share experience, skills and ideas to support and progress registration and coroners’ services.

Engage with strategic business partners involved in the delivery of registration and coroners’ services.

We are currently in the process of developing a new website.


Marriage Schedule System & Immigration Act changes (Clergy Only)

To all Clergy and Authorised Persons, please log in to the secure area of the website  (in top right-hand of this page) by entering the Email address and password you have been provided with, click on Log In and then click on the relevant page from the list below. 

For Clergy

For Authorised Persons 

Immigration Act changes (Clergy Only)

If you are having difficulty logging in please email lrsaadmin@tsi.org.uk


The Local Registration Services Association (LRSA) has been established to represent and co-ordinate the interests of its members on a national level.  Its objectives are to assist and support service managers, enabling them to deliver efficient and effective registration services to their local communities, whilst continuing to develop service excellence and share best practice.

Click on Executive Committee to find out 'who we are'.



Award winners from the LRSA Year Ahead 2019 Conference