Local Registration Services Association

Nationally Accredited Programme for Registration Officers

Nationally Assured Programme for registration officers (NAP)

The Registrar General’s nationally assured programme for registration officers was launched in April 2013 and has seen 12 cohorts join the programme. The qualification, which is accredited by City and Guilds, has been jointly developed by GRO and a sub group of the National Panel for Registration and sponsored by the Local Authority Registration and Coroner Services Association (LARCSA).

Next cohort

The next cohort, cohort 13, will be launched in November 2024 and registration officers are now invited to submit applications to be part of this cohort. The closing date for applications is Monday 30 September 2024.

Assessors and Internal Verifiers

The programme is also now looking for new Assessors and Internal Verifiers to support candidates throughout the qualification.

Training for new Assessors and Internal Verifiers will take place in October, there will be two sessions prior to the launch of Cohort 12. There is no fee for this training event.


The enrolment fee is £400 per candidate, if your local authority already has an identified Assessor and Internal Verifier available to support them (if need be subject to training, as above). LARCSA will provide a subsidy of £100 for a single candidate from a member authority. The fee to undertake the qualification would not be required until November 2024.

Where a candidate is applying without an identified Assessor or Internal Verifier, the National Qualification support team will attempt to find and allocate an Assessor and / or Internal Verifier. This cannot be guaranteed and in instances where an Assessor or IV cannot be found, a candidate would be unable to commence the proposed cohort. Where an Assessor or IV can be found from another local authority the National Panel for Registration has agreed that there should be a standard charge to cover the costs involved and which should be applied consistently across the country. These costs for the two-year period are:

Assessor: £1,800

Internal Verifier: £800

The candidate enrolment fee of £400 is due when the candidate begins the qualification. Any additional payment to another local authority for Assessor or Internal Verifier support would be due on a quarterly basis as the candidate progresses through the qualification.

Further information

If you have any further questions please email GROTrainingandBusinessImprovement@gro.gov.uk

To access the e-Portfolio for current NAP students https://system.learningassistant.com/login/login.cfm?ID=LRSA

This is what some of our candidates, assessors and IVs have had to say about their experiences of NAP.

NAP Testimonials

How to apply

For more information and to apply to become a candidate, please see the candidate information pack and application form.

Please view for more information here AboutNAP

For more information and to apply to become an assessor or IV, please see the assessor information pack, IV information pack, Assessor and IV application form and IV Role Profile.